Marvel Minimate Pic: Moon Knight

I took this pic last year when the smoke from the fires in Oregon were blowing through my neck of the woods. I really liked how the sky looked and felt like it gave a sort of creepy look to the world around me. 

I sort of saw Moon Knight with his background with Egyptian Mythology to be a nice subject.. like it looked like there was a sandstorm going on at the time... very desert like... I imagined that he was back in Egypt trying to do some research into his background or something... 

If you look close you can see how some of the crud from the air is sticking to Moon Knight. It was really cruddy outside.. 

I took the pic over at The Middle School near my house. This was during the height of the pandemic so I wasn't really going far from my house and thus I spent a lot of time walking around the empty school.. it was practically my home away from home for the year... 
