I am a Jennifer Connelly fan from WAY back. Like from the days of Labyrinth and her time in the Italian Horror Movie days. She's great and in my eyes one of the prettiest people to ever walk the earth. Like seriously. She is my all-time GOAT of crushes... I luh her.
Anyhoo, when I got into the non-sport trading card game one of the cards I really had my eye on was the Rocketeer Card #4.... Jenny Blake and Dude, I bought one pack and pulled it.. how awesome is that...?
That's the back of the card. It gives you all the details on her in the movie. It's not me or my photo. The card is a bit blurry. Prolly something to do with the Topps printing process. A lot of cards from the 80's and 90's are a bit on the blurry side...
I opened the Rocketeer Cards on episode numero nine of Worlds Famous so if you listened to that and wanted to see the card.. here it is. If you didn't listen but are into hearing about that then check the link at the bottom and you can get down with that. I'd really like it if you did to be honest...
Related Links...
Worlds Famous Episode Nine... HERE!!!
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