Silver Surfer Minimate..

I'm pretty pleased with how this pic came out even if I don't really like how Instagram chops pics feet off sometimes. They use squares but a lot of pics I take are rectangles.. IDK, I need to learn to adjust. If you want to follow me on Instagram you can do so HERE!!!!  I like to think I have some fun pics over there..

I took this pic many moons ago but found it in my dropbox and messed around with some filters on it. I'm not into Minimates as much as I used to be but I still like the simple block figure design. I also like how much they get out of a minimalist type style. There aren't a lot of details but each dude totally looks like who they are. 

Minimates are nice toys but I have literally hundreds of them so I'm sort of like, who could they make that I'd ever need? I was starting to get in to Reaction figures instead of Minimates but then they sort of pulled the whole line out of TRU so you know.. what are you gonna do? If they don't have the toys right in front of my face I'm prolly not going to get them. I don't really know why. I'm sort of a hunter and if there is no hunt then there really isn't any fun in it for me..
