Hey kids! Thanks for stopping in. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. I mean, dudes, it's awesome. We start off with a new tune by Iceberg and Melissa called, My Posse's On Jupiter. It's dope and then after that we talk on Waterbed Kev and his wrestling exploits. That's always fun. This week we took in a flick called Everest and I'll tell you all about it.
Plus we have an all new feature this week called.. Who's Who? In The DC Comics Universe. It's gonna be great. What it is basically is me talking about various off the wall comic characters from DC right out of their 80's super series Who's Who? You remember those right? Well, it's awesome. Who did we talk on? Well, an obscure Batman Villain, The Ten Eyed Man! It's a great time..
We also talk about the Toys R Us Report VHS Edition that you can get up on by going over to SupportTheReport.com and checking out how you can become a show patron. This is a great tape. It's totally retro and totally fun. It's 2 hours of super great stuff off of my DVR as well as a ton of old Toy and Video Game Commercials! This tape is guaranteed fun. Make sure to get yours today. It's a super limited edition!
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