Power Records Playhouse Episode 2: Treasure Of The Sharks

Hey kids, well, what happened was that we straight up ran out of space on the old Podcast Hosting Gimmick. Terrible, I know but don't think that i'm gonna go ahead and leave you guys with nothing to listen to. That would never happen my dudes. So taking the limited time we had left and not really thinking that there was enough time for a full on Toys R Us Report me and Iceberg Thirteen made a super dope episode of Power Records Playhouse!

Man, this one is a doozy, A classic piece of, well not so great stuff. Jaws Of The Shark is not a high point for Power Records, not by a long shot but it is totally fun AND we have a def new theme song. Overall, I'd say that this episode is not to be missed.

We here at the Toys R Us Report could use your help though. This issue of not having enough space on The Server is pretty wac. I want to make longer, more fun, more frequent shows for you guys BUT I need to upgrade to the Super Dope Server Package and that costs like a ton of dough! Consider becoming a show patron for as little as a dollar a month over at SupportTheReport.com Anything you can do to help us out is more than appreciated. Let's get this ball rolling. You guys are THE BEST! 
