Trading Cards: Topps Supergirl Teen Angel Sticker.

So, here it is. The sticker that I got on the last episode of Worlds Famous. I'll include the link below in case you are interested. I hope that you are TBH. It's a pretty nice image huh? I love the old style of cutting and pasting that involved actual cutting and pasting. 

It's fun to think that there was someone out there like making that typeface and then cutting it out and pasting onto a pic of Helen Slater. That was someone's job. I am actually jealous of that dude. 

I like how amateur the text on the bottom looks. I mean, what even is that font? I don't know but I do know that I want it for future graphic projects. 

Here is the back of the card in case you wanted to check it out. It's kind of cool and has Faye Dunaway on the back. She looks kind of sultry there huh? Maybe a little too sultry for a Topps Card if you ask me.

Related Links!  

Worlds Famous Ep.13: HERE!!!!
