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Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with a talk about the origins of the show, how we got started and how it became what it is today. I was feeling like really nostalgic with this being ep. 150 and all
From there we have a review of Pacific Rim with John Boyega. It was alright. There was a lot more robot on robot violence than the 1st Pacific Rim.
For The Main Event of the show we talk about Toys R Us... it's a long segment where I share memories and what I remember about the layout of the store back in the day.
We finish off with some talk about Star Wars toys and a bunch of other things like that. It's a fun time and you for sure don't want to miss it!
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VHS Tape! While helping to support the show. Man, we need all the help that we can get.
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