IseeRobots Television: Lisa Loeb On an Episode Of Pyramid 2002 Complete W/Commercials, Plus Some Other Stuff

Ok, here is something not commonly known, I am a HUGE Lisa Loeb fan. Like huge dude, a fanatic. There, I got that out of the way. So with that said BITD I used to have a Tivo Season pass for Lisa Loeb meaning that anytime she appeared on a show my Tivo would record it. Man, I miss my Tivo. I loved that thing so much.. 

So she'd appear on a show, it'd get recorded and eventually I'd put it on a VHS tape. This is a piece of one of those tapes. It starts off with her on The Pyramid which was a remake of the 10.000 Dollar Pyramid from the old days. This one was hosted by Donny Osmond. So this vid has the entire episode with commercials and then some other stuff including Lisa Loeb on the short lived John McEnroe Talk Show...

It's a pretty nice slice of 2002. Enjoy. 
