The Toys R Us Report Ep.195: People Were Getting Hyphy, Dragged Across Concrete, Nosferatu And Tons More!

This week on the show we start off with a new song by Iceberg Thirteen and MC Kate. It's pretty hyphy..

From there we talk about a few things including a death defying trip I took to get a Jon Snow action figure.. It's pretty nuts.

Then we take a look at a couple of DVDs I rented, one was called The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot. The other is called Dragged Across Concrete. It's the latest from Craig Zahler.. It's long.

Then we take some text messages.. wanna send one? Here's the number.. 707-538-JAMS. I love to get messages! I wanna know what you guys think, I love your questions.. Hit me up. After that we open up my latest Mego and have fun playing with him for a bit..

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