The Toys R Us Report Ep.183: Star Wars Action Figure Cases plus Tons More!

This week on the TRU RPT We have a moderately comprehensive look at Star Wars Action Figure cases. We cover everything from the 1st vinyl cases to the famous Darth Vader head. It's a ton of fun.

Before that though we spend some time talking about perspective and how it can affect how we wind up feeling about things. I share a story about having to ride my bike over to the school for a Band Concert. It's sort of interesting...

Then we have at the movies, the action figure case deal before we end the show off with some calls, more about 89' Batman, Wrestling, Gino Vega calls in.. it's a pretty good segment.

Wanna call in? You can do so at 707-532-JAMS (5267) we can handle either voice or text messages.. It's a hoot.

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