The Toys R Us Report Ep.170: The Santa Rosa Toy-Con 2018

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We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with some talk about a cold I'm going through and some more drama down here under the sea.. It's a lot of fun..

From there we talk about a movie I saw called A Simple Favor. It's the latest from Paul Feig.. 
Then it's on to the main event of the show where we talk about the Sonoma County Geek Main Event Of The Year.. The Santa Rosa Toy-Con..

We talk what I saw, what I bought and I have recordings from two panels I took in, one with RJ Mitte from Breaking Bad and one with Levar Burton. I have audio clips and everythng!

In the final segment we take a call from one of our homies in Des Moines and talk about the Mego Dracula I am happy to finally own! 

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