The Toys R Us Report Ep.164: Haunted Soap and Long John Silver

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Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. This week's episode was recorded down on the Earth Base, Santa Rosa California. We start off with some talk about J-Coins and we take a message from AB Silver. 

For the next bit we talk about a fun trip I took to The Vallejo Flea Market. I'll talk on what I saw, what er ate and haunted soap! It's a super fun segment. 

From there we hit up At The Movies where this week we tackle one of my most anticipated Summer Movies: Eight Grade. It's a pretty candid look into what life might be like for 8th graders growing up nowadays..yikes. It's great but has some stuff that's gonna make you feel weird. 

For the final segment I talk about Megos, The Target in Vallejo as well as this massive comic book sorting project that I've been working on. It's time consuming but also pretty fun and satisfying. 

Oh ya! We take some voice mail and read some text messages to our new hotline at 707-532-JAMS (5267) If you have a second give us a holler. You just might make the show! 

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