The Toys R Us Report Ep.126: A.B Silver's Follow Up Call, Atomic Blonde plus Archie Over The Edge..

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Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with some talk about the summer heat and the Schulz Ice Arena here in Santa Rosa and then we listen to a answering machine message that A.B Silver left for me. It's super weird and then me and Emily talk about the call

From there we talk about a movie I saw called Atomic Blonde, I'll tell you what I liked and what I didn't like. It's more like than dislike. There is a lot of fun stuff in here.. 

For the final segment we talk a bit about Archie and The Three Coolest People In Santa Rosa as well as some Comic Book Speculation. I'll tell you a book that I think you should pick up.. 

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