Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week! We start off with a bit of talk about Kids and High School Football along with A life without McDonalds. Then we get in deep on Kevin Smith's latest flick Yoga Hosers. I saw it on my Roku and I'll tell you all about it. There's also a new bit from Engineer Emily. It's pretty fun. Her and her pal over in Pod B kick some 90's style Hip Hop Rhymes. It's pretty fun.
Oh ya, I talk about this cool Halloween Tape that I bought. I got it from these guys here if you are interested. I don't know if they still have them for sale but the tape was great and it's worth a shot. Check HERE!!!!
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.
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