The Toys R Us Report Episode 47: No Main Topic

Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by! This week we have a bit of fun. A bit of housework as it were.  Basically what's going on is that we are going back over some topics that we haven't been able to get to lately. Stuff like, THE ISR PARTY BLIMP! as well as Waterbed Kev and the world of Imaginary Play by Mail Wrestling... 

There is some At The Movies as well, we saw Fantastic Four as well as a Teenage Girl Movie known as Paper Towns and we are gonna learn all about both. Oh ya, we saw Mission Impossible as well so there is gonna be some talk about ROGUE NATION!!!! 

It's a great show like always my dudes. Totally fun. Things just roll along at a super fast pace and before you know it, boom it's over. Great stuff! Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to hop on over to and take a peek at some of our incintives for becoming a show sponser. You can help us out a TON! for as little as 1 dollar a month. That's not too bad huh?
