The Toys R Us Report Episode 46: Degrassi. It Goes There

Hey kids, thanks for stopping by. This week we have a Toys R Us Report Special Presentation. One of my big TV loves, one of my lifelong TV loves is a little Canadian Teen Drama known as Degrassi so with the show leaving cable and moving on to the world of Netflix I felt that this was the perfect time to talk on the show I love so much..

Most of the talk centers around some of the daring topics that Degrassi has talked on, Transgender issues, homosexual issues, school shootings. All sorts of stuff. It's a pretty heavy show and to be honest this is a pretty heavy episode of The Toys R Us Report so be warned. We talk about things we don't normally and most likely never will again so get it while the getting is good...

There is some toy talk too of course. Most of it centers on what I saw over at Toys R Us this week, mainly some of the 50th Anniversery GI Joe Figures, I don't know. They aren't really my thing but they are kind of neat so I'll let you decide if you should scoop them up or not.. 

Like the show? Then why not hop on over to and consider becoming a show patron. There are all sorts of incentives for helping out. I like to think that we make it worth your time for helping out. Hey come on, at least give it a peek. It can't hurt right?

My pal The No Swear Gamer can be found HERE!!!! He puts out a great show! Make sure to check him out!
