The Toys R Us Report Episode 25: The 25th Anniversery Spectacular (Best Of)

Hey kids! Yep, we made it this far, 25 episodes. I kind of knew the we'd make it all the way here but you know, it's nice to actually do it.

What we have ahead of us is a best of. Ya, I kind of took the week off but didn't want to leave you with nothing to listen to. It's cool though, it's like a choose your own adventure but it was chosen by dudes on The IseeRobots Facebook page.

I asked them to throw out some random numbers that corresponded to segments from previous episodes. I had a formula but didn't say what it was. So this is what you have an all new show (sort of) thrown together from previous shows.

It's totally entertaining. Don't worry. You'll enjoy it! Make sure to tell a friend!
